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The Challenge of "Raw" or "Raw Foodists", socially
and physiologically:
Like the term "Vegan", which sadly has been given associated "new age" connotations and free-moral reputations not consistent with most conservative culture or values, the term "Raw" or "Raw Foodist" has been taken even deeper into the "new age" perceptions and suspect "new world" morality associations. Unfortunately, to draw attention and followers, many of its opportunistic young promoters paint forest pictures of participants living and "running wild" as "Nature Boys - and NatureGirls", with free love, cross love and living in unrestrained physical and social "freedom". Whether contrived or real, that reputation stands as a serious barrier to those delicate and sincere moral souls looking for the "good part" or truth that has been buried within the sullied, corrupted and profane. So for twelve years I have labored with a careful distancing from the taint of worldliness that most of its current promoters exhibit. I have known most all promotional players for years, have educated or interacted with most of them -- some listening well -- others more on a quest for personal fortune or fame, more than creations central healing truth. I have never told anyone that "raw food" is anything less than best -- where it is at all possible! But nature and humanity's conditions, either social, agricultural or economic, do not always make absolute "raw" a do-able reality. So until one has been experience processed and made ready -- and also until one has asked for understanding the truth of nature's natural "denaturing" (or nature's "cosmic cooking"), I have not overtly pressed the so-called Raw issues. I have first focused on the most important issue, which is: to bring about the ceasing of the "shedding of innocent blood" -- for appetite or desire. Then the "how best to eat" naturally follows! -- and only holds permanently when we have conquered that first critical issue! -- And until you are secured in that first issue, of not shedding innocent blood, while walking in all other love as best you can, and by so doing earning the opening of greater unmolested "treasures of knowledge"-- which will include the perfected "how best to eat" understanding! -- you will be easy prey for the opportunist, who knowingly or unwittingly corrupts the Creator's perfectly designed and nature's cosmically matched, easy-to-do-for-all-humanity, healing and nourishing plan. At this point there is much more that I could and should provide on this Raw issue, but my resources are gone, my family is now living without important utilities (gas heat and hot water, and the others shutoff may follow), because at this juncture I have used all my reserves to keep this learning avenue open, paid for and online -- to educate my friends, my human community and you! -- and in presenting publicly at every opportunity possible and opened to me, up to now! But, I cannot do more as a one-person-effort while old "beneficiaries" of the last 12 years sacrifices have "vaporized" from my view, been diverted, and/or are off chasing other miracle potions, cures, "higher" programs (including the current so-called "Raw" foods fads) with the plethora of never-ending promising-the-moon health and "rainbow delusions" and their vendor-ing entrepreneurs. So my labor is presently frustrated, and my muted heart hurts, while too many sincere, desperate and unknowing are sill left in harms way, in need of knowledge or are being buffeted with incomplete or phony and pricey propaganda. So, until I can afford more time to write more on this reality of nature, and your compensating, perfectly matched digestive or nourishment system, please do not be taken in by all the exaggeration, rhetoric, programs, products and promotions. First and most important, stay out of the blood, horror and diseases obtained by consuming animal fluids, ova and tissues, including all insect products (honey, etc.) and all filter feeding aquatic so-called "vegetation" (algae, etc.) misnomered as "plant life" -- which it is not! Stay within a compassionate, all encompassing kindness and peace and patience with yourself and with all creation, neither killing nor extorting anything animal, including anything insect and anything aquatic at all, then the rest will come by sprit, natural observation, reason, gentle persuasion and comfortable progress, not by constraint, fad, fraud, force or fear! Remember that no valuable, grand or perfect
change occurs successfully without patience, practice and perseverance.
You are pioneers dragging yourself and all humanity with you up and out
of the awful pit of ignorance, disease and delusion that generations before
have deeply dug. Our rise to fuller health, physical and associated freedom
of spirit is not do-able overnight nor without challenging lift! But up
is the only way out! The summit seems far and is not instantaneously obtainable;
it will take some time, so we must with accepting patience, struggle and
must take each step by careful step to successfully complete our climb!
God and creation laud your laboring assent upward, and await your arrival
with love, no matter how long your journey takes, and will never deny your
I will try to add to and improve this page as my time allows. And I am open to suggestion or critique. Thanks for your patience. tlr 6/29/03 -modified 7/2/03
on specific subjects, issues or opinions on other sights. Read
and return (click "back" button on your tool bar)
These are made available so you can learn from them until formal pages are written and added on the subjects.
In meantime go to main page.LifeSave.org.and its important links.... |
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Home-Education and Medical-Independence-Choice Parents by Arrogant, Ignorant and Incompetent Agencies, erred Medicine and the State!
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"Little Sprouts" - Pregnancy and raising children on a Vegan Diet. Please encourage and thank Brooke (and Stacey Nix Univ. of Utah Nutrition, who she referenced ) for her kindly positive efforts in courageously publishing this article! Her article helps correct seriously flawed public perceptions in truly healthy life choices, particularly for children. This information is in critical need, especially within our western meat focused economy with its over-advertised and misinformed, hence consequently unhealthy youth, families and communities - including many health professionals and educators. Consider sharing your personal and your family's vegan health successes with Brooke (and Stacey) as well. |
Schedule - of Travel, Presentations, Classes and Interveiws
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Past events that we of LifeSave (creators of RealRaw.org) have co-sponsered. |
![]() Salt Lake City Public Library Main Branch Patio-Square Outdoor Amphitheater 200 East 400 South |
![]() Saturday April 23 2005, 10 am-6 pm
Click here to see the full program and awesome activities! VegFestUtah.org Also at Utah Valley location -- 7pm in evening -- Sponsered by Prof. Foster |