Words of Wisdom! - for Freedom! - and preserving our Constitution! Our pages to help awaken concerned Citizens and Legislators! |
Reviews of Utah and National Legislative and Public Issues! -- with contributed writngs and links from Friends worried about your rights and freedoms! Utah and National Legislative Contact Information included below . |
File To Run Constitution Party Slotes By 5pm 17 Mar 2006 Please file to run in available state legislative and local offiices under the Constitution Party If you can, try to contact Constitution county chairman contact list is here CPUtah.org - Contact Us -- but file anyway if no Constitution Party candidate has filed! To State Legislative Candidate lists click here - Elections.Utah.gov - 2006Candidates - fill your Reps spot if not already covered by our party! If you cannot find your county chairman you could call me and I will try connect you or help if I can: Tom Rodgers 801-298-9095 |
Still No Due Process or Justice in Utah! Utah DCFS, Juevinile Court Judges, GAL, Medicine, even Family Defense Lawyers and Utah's AG are Ok! with Carbon Monoxide killing babies!!! Please! Tell Us Why! - a letter to Utah Legislators - Please See, Print, Staple & Share these few pages given to our Utah Legislator as fliers! |
![]() Teen Screen "Holocaust" in the USA! This child and her sister are set up to die in Illinois State DCFS care! A loving (Jewish) Mother's fight to save her own flesh and blood, from the molestation, abuse & drugging of A State (in the U.S.A.?) Gone Mad with Medical Mind Control of Children! Does Natzi Germany's Dr Mengele still Live? in Illinois DCFS? TeenScreenHorror.org . ChildrensHolocaustUSA.org PreMedicatedMurder.org |
FamilyRightsRadio.net -- Listen, call in and participate! Hear and share experience and knowledge, as truth is broadcast, exposing the Political, Bureaucratic, Business and Judicial racketeering for the immense perpetual profits secured in child trafficking, rendering and robbing the family, while trashing humanity's future and the Constitution of this Nation! -- for the control and cash of a few! |
![]() See this case in which we are laboring to help resolve and reunite honorable parents and their wrongfully taken (nursing) child! -- Learn what you can do to help! Family Vs State This can happen to you or anyone now! |
Petition their correct actions! [ Listen Live to Utah State Legislature ] Utah State Representatives, 538-1029, and Senators, 538-1035. Utah House of Representatives Roster-- with links to District info, Phone, Address, Fax, Email Utah State Senate Roster -- with links to County info, Phone, Address, Email UtahLegislators.org: State, County, City Officials locator site - sponsered by Utah Credit Unions Federal Legislators Phone, Faxs, Websites, Addresses and Emails Quick list for Utah (below) Email List of Utah Legislators in simple text -- for direct copy (at bottom of this page)! |
[Families Vs DCFS] Legislative Accomplishments - Gains and loses (5 Feb 2004) Other Related Actions History ByAThread.org/UrgentToday.htm (2 Feb 2004) |
Here is the basic course on how a bill becomes law: If it
originates in the House,
it is
numbered with: It is introduced in the House and it goes to the House rules committee for prioritizing and assignment to a standing House committee. The assigned Committee hears testimony on the bill and votes to pass it out favorably or to table it or to hold it. If the bill passes out favorably, it goes to the House floor. Every bill must be "read" 3 times before a final vote. The introduction of the bill counts as one, when it comes out of Committee it is placed on the 2nd reading calendar and it is "read" again and placed on the 3rd reading calendar. Once a bill is on the 3rd reading calendar, 3 things can happen: 1-Negative vote and it is defeated, 2-Positive vote and it is sent to the Senate to repeat the entire process in the Senate, or 3-"Circled" which means it is placed on hold indefinitely. The same thing happens in the Senate. Bills are numbered with SB, SR, SCR, SJR when they originate in the Senate Senate bills must pass the Senate first and then the House. Once a bill has passed in BOTH houses it goes to the Governor. He can either sign it into law or veto it. A vetoed bill can still become law IF, the legislature holds a Veto Override Session in May and votes for the bill with a 2/3 majority. In my updates, if I say an SB is in a Senate committee, you'll know it is at the very beginning of the process. If I say a HB is on the Senate 3rd reading calendar, you'll know that it is at the very last step of the process. Let me know if you have any questions! Maryann
Here are several helpful links to save: THESE ARE
YOUR Representative IS:
YOUR Senator IS:
A Thread History - past efforts - many still requiring your
Daniel Newby: 1. Bigotry At The Capitol - Re: HB109 ElectroConvulsive Therapy Restrictions . (also see StopShock.org) 2. Notes from Daniel Newby / Acountability Utah.org |
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If you have legislative information on current bills in this session which may violate our freedoms, health or happiness, and need public exposure or clearity, please email me at Info@ByAThread.org I may be able to post worthy material or add links here. This web-space donated and constructed by Constitionally concerned Tom Rodgers whose efforts include the "constitution" of the body as well through LifeSave Biological Research and Education Utah/USA/Int'l LifeSave.org including: Zoonoses.org . AutoImmuneDisease.org . AddDepressionAutism.org . WaterAndLife.org . VaccinesOrNot.org . VeganCowboyScientist.org . DietDecisions.info . this page was originally at AddDepressionAutism.org/Wisdom.htm -- created 3/3/0 Email: Tom@ByAThread.org |
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Friends: This site and and all our other efforts have been provided and are paid for out of our personal efforts and my already stressed and limited personal resources, including those of my wife and my family! They - with me - live most frugal, and go without much, so this information and our labor can be made available to educate, encourage and provide benefit for all. Several times my family and I have had our utilities interrupted this winter, lived in a house at less than 60 degrees and scrimped on our food so we could instead keep these pages open, work without compensation and continue freely given educational efforts made available for you and while we donated our time to educate Municipal Leaders and Legislators in our State's House and Senate in the past 40 day session . I travel and talk freely to you and your friends, families, neighbors and community leaders, secure facilities and provide display and provide materials on my own dime (which should be my family's instead), and sleep in my old 89 Plymouth Voyager even in the cold to save costs in my many miles traveled to share understanding and get help to you or anyone. So if you are or have been benefited by these efforts -- your help would be a gratefully accepted as a small repayment for your own understanding, health and benefits or Constitutional protections. It would be wonderfully kind if you could help us sustain this effort and let it and us continue to reach and benefit you and others, with even your smallest of tangible contributed kindnesses. It would ease my family's sacrifices, be carefully used, sincerely appreciated and hopefully bring benefit back to you and me, our children, our community and many others. Thank you, sincerely, T LRodgers, (By A Thread.org ), LifeSave, PO Box 304, Bountiful, Utah, 84011-0304 (ph. 801-298-9095) |
House rmenlove@utah.gov Bcferry@utah.gov Cbuttars@utah.gov fhunsaker@utah.gov wyatt@bdalaw.com kwgibson@utah.gov Gdonnelson@utah.gov Jmurray@utah.gov Neilhansen@utah.gov Lshurtliff@utah.gov Bdee@utah.gov Dgreggbuxton@utah.gov pray@utah.gov coda@utah.gov Daagard@utah.gov Stuartadams@utah.gov jfisher@utah.gov Rogerbarrus@utah.gov Sherylallen@utah.gov Awhardy@utah.gov Jgowans@utah.gov Cduckworth@utah.gov Dbourdeaux@utah.gov Rbecker@bearwest.com rossromero@utah.gov Davidlitvack@hotmail.com Jdougall@utah.gov Rozmcgee@utah.gov Brentgoodfellow@utah.gov Jbiskupski@utah.gov Tymccartney@utah.gov Ronbigelow@utah.gov Nhendrickson@utah.gov Koryholdaway@comcast.net markwheatley@utah.gov susanlawrence@utah.gov Csmoss@utah.gov Ehutchings@utah.gov Jdunnigan@utah.gov Patjones@utah.gov Toddkiser@utah.gov Pwallace@utah.gov Wharper@utah.gov tcosgrove@utah.gov mwalker@utah.gov Karenmorgan@utah.gov Smascaro@utah.gov Lavarchristensen@utah.gov Gcurtis@utah.gov Merlynnnewbold@utah.gov Greghughes@utah.gov Dhogue@rep52.com Dure@utah.gov Gsnow@utah.gov jmathis@utah.gov dncox@utah.gov cfrank@utah.gov Jferrin@utah.gov lfowlke@utah.gov bdaw@utah.gov Mdayton@utah.gov Jalexander@utah.gov Stephenclarkcmc@hotmail.com Blockhart@utah.gov atilton@utah.gov Mikemorley@utah.gov ppainter@utah.gov Mrwheeler@utah.gov Brad.king@ceu.edu Bradjohnson@utah.gov Blast@utah.gov Bbowman@utah.gov Mikenoel@kanab.net Dclark@utah.gov Surquhart@utah.gov |
Senate ffife@utahsenate.org pjulander@utahsenate.org gdavis@utahsenate.org parent@utahsenate.org emayne@utahsenate.org mwaddoups@utahsenate.org khale@utahsenate.org cwalker@utahsenate.org amansell@utahsenate.org dcbuttars@utahsenate.org hstephenson@utahsenate.org rallen@utahsenate.org rallen@ronallen.com mmadsen@utahsenate.org jvalentine@utahsenate.org parley@parleyhellewell.com cbramble@utahsenate.org cbramble@cesinc.com pknudson@utahsenate.org dthomas@utahsenate.org dthomas@co.summit.ut.us achristensen@utahsenate.org sjenkins@utahsenate.org skillpack@utahsenate.org gbell@utahsenate.org deastman@utahsenate.org dpeterson@utahsenate.org lhillyard@utahsenate.org lhillyard@hao-law.com bevans@utahsenate.org bevevans@ubtanet.com mdmitrich@utahsenate.org Mike@Dmitrich.com thatch@utahsenate.org jhickman@utahsenate.org |
FamilyRightsRadio.net -- Listen, call in and participate! Hear and share experience and knowledge, as truth is broadcast, exposing the Political, Bureaucratic, Business and Judicial racketeering for the immense perpetual profits secured in child trafficking, rendering and robbing the family, while trashing humanity's future and the Constitution of this Nation! -- for the control and cash of a few! |
Author is 15 Year "Terminal" Cancer Survivor -- ![]() . ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |