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Vitamin B12
/ Cyanocobalamin -- Continued (page 2)
(Internal B12 Activity) A letter , which I received today from a
in India after his reading my first page on Vitamin B12 and looking
for answers to his own health challenges , provoked me to expand on my
writing, Vitamin B12 page 1, started 2 months
ago on the ignorant and eternal "Vitamin B12 supply-and-deficiencies" debate.
So here is this second page on the internal B12 metabolic challenges --
Real B12 "Deficiency" Issues!
Sadly, much is still not widely understood or openly taught on this subject. But worse, there is unbelievable bias and pathetic falsehoods abounding among too many so-called "Professionals", and even I certainly still don't know as much as I could or would like. But what I have known about B12 for more than four decades exceeds that which is proverbed among my peers -- but how does the voice of one nondescript fellow get heard in a crowd of flashy peers or medical egotists. So, to now defend an accused Vegan family and its medical fraud and state removed child, I am forced to disturb more convention and upset many peers and so-called friends and their too often repeatedly published, mindlessly accepted and parroted flawed beliefs, so I must continue writing this critical correction on Vitamin B12. You should consider the following conclusions based upon my extended education, sense, life experience and many reviews of good (but individually never completely perfect) research literature. That research literature should also be available to you or your doctor (on the web or in a good medical university's library). Also understand that in many so-called, even best-intended scientific writings, one prejudiced or flawed idea, perception or premise or even just a single erred word can and often does invalidate an entire thesis -- and all other thesis's or volumes based upon the flawed first! -- I will add as much here in time as I can. tlr/LSI 9/19/03 You have already seen my limited first page defining VitaminB12 and its source. -- So you should already understand that: -- since
cyano-bacterially produced cobalamin is ubiquitous in the environment,
it appears that true B12 intake deficiencies, beyond that of severe starvation
or malnutrition, are now understood to be reasonably rare!
B12 absorption, impairment
and loses:
1. Damage to pancreas, fundus and/or intrinsic factor (ileum) production tissues by:
(The subtle but
ultimate occurrence, over time, of animal tissue triggered B12 absorption
breakdown may well be simply deemed, written off, or accepted as part
of "normal" aging! -- or as a undetected factor in a host of other psychological,
neurological, physiological, genetic and geriatric diseases, and dying
or death, and "diagnosed" through many different nomen, up to and including
"natural causes"!)
Conversely, the highly
efficient absorption of environmentally
available (trace, but ever present, "botanical") dietary B12, along
with efficient enzyme (pancreas),
R-binding (fundus)
and intrinsic factor (ileum) production, efficient
binding of B12 with intrinsic factor, and
micro-villi transport (into the portal blood
flow into an efficient
is found associated and enhanced by and in a non-corrosive neutral intestinal
pH nutrient (fecal) flow.
My Cows are smarter than Scientists! So now, my Vitamin B-12 metabolism wiser friends: How can you best obtain a natural - antigen and disease free - source of Vitamin B-12? (Not the Commercially provided, animal liver, animal tissues, slaughterhouse blood and trimmings waste, feces or sewage harvested supplements!) Everywhere in the Garden!!! However, since B-12 producing Cyanocobalamin bacteria love light and air, and they flourish on the surfaces of all plant matter, the more surface of a plant food you can consume, the more B-12 you will obtain. In scientific terms: the higher the surface ratio to consumed end-product volume, the higher the Vitamin B-12.Important Note: Carbon Monoxide inhibits uptake of B-12 by preventing binding chemistry to complete!
Just so you are clear on bacteria (and not fearful of all): Two classes of bacteria exist: Animal bacterial pathogens (and symbiotes) -- the ones that can cause disease in you and in the animals -- are darkness requiring (light and cosmic energy sensitive) and do not tolerate much "free" oxygen, if any at all (anaerobic). They do not survive well or for very long (only minutes) outside the protective and nutrient provident animal's (or human's) tissues and fluids (blood, eggs, lymphus, milk). Plant pathogens and flora-symbiotic bacteria, all the "Cyano" bacteria, which includes the Vitamin B-12 producing Cyanocobalamin Bacteria; on the other hand, prefer light and require abundant free oxygen (aerobic) -- so they cannot survive in you or in any animal and cannot cause you or any animal disease. But they "happily" live everywhere else in the environment, even blowing in the wind as they are whisped from (and to) the leaves and surfaces of every tree and foliage on the Planet. It is their metabolic end-product (waste) which is consumed, collected and conservatively used by my old cows and by your body as Vitamin B-12. Thanks to the
plants and their special symbiotic kind-to-plant kind-to-animal kind-to-humanity
But in the mean time this is what I have available in rough: 1. VitaminB12Pathophysiology194-196 2. VitaminB12Pathophysiology215-216 3. VitaminB12Pathophysiology470-472 Remember some error is already introduced in these 3 citations above by several contributors - based on their compartmentalized education, misconceptions or traditional belief in their base error that useful cobalamin, B12, is provided only by animals! So ferreting truth from the empirical data and redrawing correct conclusions has always been required of me in formulating best understanding -- and is also required of you for yours! Other References: Veterinary & Human Biology & Pathology education and reference books / personal Human, Animal, Livestock and Marine (algae) research and experience -- and required knowledge for good livestock production and profit -- in my past. I will try to improve upon and expand this page later as my resources/time
allow. In the meantime, you may see a reference to intestinal (microvilli)
repair at LDSVeg.org/Raw.htm#microvilli,
and other intestine and whole body healing and nutritional information
on LifeSave.org, VeganCowboy.org,
and our other subject specific sites (listed on Lifesave.org and VeganCowboy.org)
(Questions? - call me. 801-298-9095, active Caller ID required, displayed and recorded, or Email LifeSaveIn@aol.com or mail PO Box 304 Bountiful Utah 84011-0304) Back to Vitamin B12 (page one).
To Pathophysiology Text pages 194-196
Appreciation to my wife and family: Constructing this page has taken more than three full days away from family and real income producing work (which also goes to cover this labors total direct costs including the necessary ongoing internet debts). This required the confirming in all my old references, personal texts, notes and data from forty years education and experience back; then the time and concentration to ponder, recheck my supporting data, organize, write, edit, rewrite re-edit -- and I am probably still not finished with refining it for you! My hope is you will be benefited, have correct knowledge, prove it yourself as is possible, and that you will appreciate this labor and sacrifice (especially that which affects and leaves my family short) given for you, the reader! ![]() created 9/19/03 | edited with pancreas and fundus failures added 10/1/03 | edited seperating answer to Doctors letter Nov 5 03 | |
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His Mom's blood & milk levels. - Any struggling infant's best form and supply!!! in FamlyVsState.org |